четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

best sitters inc.

You know why I�donapos;t make new friends?�Because they always bite me in the ass.

Iapos;m thinking Iapos;m just going to return to Ann Arbor when the lease is up in the summer. It just seems incredible that I came up here thinking this was going to be the most awesome place and time ever, and it turned out to be the most miserable and boring of each.

I wanna run around downtown right now.�Huddle on the diag with friends, hang out at Zap with Jeff, Aaron,�Jeremy, and stay up all night at the lock-ins that I took for granted while I was there. I have some friends up here, but, theyapos;re all from high school, which only reminds me of how much I�miss Ann�Arbor. It canapos;t make up for all the memories I�miss.
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